Google Chrome’s 2024 Updates » Bihar feed

Google Chrome, a widely used web browser, is set to undergo significant updates in June 2024. These changes, particularly the transition from Manifest V2 to Manifest V3 extensions, are poised to reshape the user experience and developer dynamics.

Strengthening Chrome’s Security Features

In light of Chrome’s upcoming updates, paying attention to security is more important than ever. Google continuously enhances Chrome’s defenses against a range of online threats.

 For users, there are several effective measures to boost security while using Chrome. Keeping the browser updated is crucial, as each update often includes critical security improvements. Leveraging Chrome’s existing security settings, such as Safe Browsing, helps guard against risky websites and downloads. Regarding extensions, it’s vital to choose those from reliable sources and regularly check their permissions. 

Strong, unique passwords for online accounts are essential. Using a password manager can make this easier. Enabling two-factor authentication where available adds a layer of security. Moreover, using a VPN extension in Chrome, like ExpressVPN, can provide enhanced privacy and security, especially when browsing on public Wi-Fi networks. These steps and Google’s ongoing security enhancements make for a more secure browsing experience in Chrome.

Phasing Out Manifest V2 Extensions

Starting June 2024, Google plans to disable Manifest V2 extensions in Chrome’s pre-stable versions. Dev, Canary, and Beta channel users will be the first to experience this change. This move means that previously installed V2 extensions will no longer function, and new installations from the Chrome Web Store will be blocked. This decision has sparked mixed reactions from the tech community, reflecting the delicate balance between innovation and user dependency on existing technologies.

The Controversy Around Manifest V3

Manifest V3, the successor to V2, aims to enhance privacy, security, and performance. It introduces significant changes, like replacing ‘background pages’ with ‘service workers’ and setting caps on the resources extensions can use. However, these changes have raised concerns among privacy advocates. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has been vocal in its criticism, calling MV3’s limitations harmful to privacy efforts. Google counters this by insisting that these changes prioritize user benefits, especially performance.

Impact on Ad Blockers and Privacy Tools

Ad blockers face a unique challenge with MV3. The new restrictions, like the limit on the number of ad-blocking rules, hinder their effectiveness. Developers of popular tools like uBlock Origin are adapting and creating versions like uBlock Origin Lite that comply with these new rules. This adaptation is a testament to the ongoing tug-of-war between evolving web technologies and the need for user-centric privacy tools.

Google’s Broader Strategy

Google’s push for MV3 aligns with its advertising-driven business model. The company’s recent actions, like measures against ad blockers on YouTube, reflect a strategy that prioritizes its commercial interests. This approach contrasts with other browser developers like Mozilla, who have pledged not to impose similar restrictions in their version of MV3, citing a commitment to improved privacy and security.

AI Integration in Chrome

Google’s integration of artificial intelligence into Chrome marks a significant step forward in browser functionality. The upcoming AI settings section promises to revolutionize how users interact with the web. This initiative is not just about adding new features; it represents a strategic move by Google to infuse its products with more advanced, intelligent capabilities.

One of the key features of this AI integration is the automated tab organization tool. This feature is designed to help users manage their browsing more efficiently. When a user opens a certain number of tabs, an “organize tabs” button will appear. Clicking this button will trigger the AI to automatically sort these tabs, possibly using machine learning algorithms to categorize and arrange them based on the user’s browsing patterns and preferences. Such a feature could be a game-changer for those frequently overwhelmed by numerous open tabs.

The AI settings will also include an autofill helper, originally known as “Compose.” While specifics about its functionality are still under wraps, it’s likely to enhance Chrome’s current autofill capabilities, making form-filling smoother and more intuitive. This could involve intelligently predicting and completing forms based on the user’s past interactions and data input, streamlining the process significantly

Furthermore, Google’s AI ambitions don’t stop with Chrome. The tech giant has been integrating AI across various products, evidenced by the release of Google Bard, its ChatGPT rival, and the introduction of AI-driven photo tools like Magic Eraser and Magic Editor in Google Photos. These tools demonstrate Google’s commitment to leveraging AI to enhance user experience across its suite of products.

Revamping the Chrome Web Store

Complementing these technical changes, the Chrome Web Store has undergone a major redesign. Launched in November 2023, this overhaul introduces a more modern, user-friendly interface. It aligns with Google’s new Material Design philosophy and aims to make discovering and managing extensions more intuitive.


Google Chrome’s 2024 updates represent a significant shift in how users interact with the web and manage their privacy. While these changes bring technological advancements, they also raise important questions about user autonomy and the role of major tech companies in shaping our digital experiences. As these updates roll out, they will undoubtedly influence the broader landscape of web browsing and digital privacy.