Application Format To Bank Manager for Closer of Bank Account | Bank Application Closer Format

In this article, we are going to share with you some application formats for the bank manager for the closure of the bank account that you have in the bank.

Let’s get started with the first sample:-

1. bank account closer application Sample- Bank Application Closer Format


The bank Manager of                                                                                          

(________________) Name of the Bank

(________________)Branch Name                                                                                       

Dated: ___/___/____

Sub: Closer of Saving Bank Account No…………………………………..


With due respect, I would like to inform you that I Shri/Smti. ………………………………… have a Saving account in your bank with Ac. No. …………………….for the past ………………. years. I am in no mood to operate the account further.

Therefore I humbly request you to please close the mentioned

                                                                                                          Yours faithfully


                                                                                                     Sign …………………………..

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2. Sample for closer of bank Account – Bank Application Closer Format


    The Manager
    (____________________) Bank Name
    (____________________) Branch Name,
    City: ……………………                                                            Dated: …..………….


                                           Also Read: ATM apply application to Manager


Sub: Closure of Savings Bank Account No ……………………


like to inform you that I have a savings account in your bank with Account
no……………………….… for the Past …………… years. Now I am not interested to continue
this account. Kindly close the account and credit the remaining balance of the
account to me by cash or deposit into the below-mentioned account.

Ac. No: ………………………….. (Cash to be deposited)

          Therefore I kindly request you to close the said account as soon as possible.


Thanking you

Yours faithfully


A.c. No:




So, I think this will help you in writing an application to your Bank Manager. Happy Writing  ☝✌