2023 | Format of GAP CERTIFICATE | Download GAP Certificate Format in Hindi


If you need to write a gap certificate format in Hindi, don’t worry – we’ve got your back! This guide contains all the information you need to know about format and procedure. 

Writing a gap certificate in Hindi can seem intimidating, but with the right guidance and resources, it doesn’t have to be. In this guide, we’ll provide detailed instructions on how to write a gap certificate format in Hindi, including what information to include and the proper formatting.

Introduction to Gap Certificate format in Hindi.

gap certificate format in Hindi is a document issued to certify that an individual has gaps in their educational or professional career. It is typically used when applying for jobs and/or high-level academic study. Gap certificates provide employers and admissions committees with detailed information about periods in which there was no recorded activity, so it’s important to get them right.

Required Information for the Gap Certificate.

The gap certificate format PDF is issued by the competent authority and should always include accurate information. Along with basic details such as name, date of birth, period of absence and reason for gap, it should also contain the signatures of both the issuing authority as well as the applicant. Other important details like number of years/months spent in educational programs/professional experience may also need to be included in the certificate.

Tips for Writing a Clear, Comprehensive Gap Certificate Format in Hindi.

When writing your gap certificate, make sure to be accurate and precise with the information you provide. Avoid using vague terms like “approximate” and use precise dates/figures instead wherever possible. Additionally, be sure to confirm all the details before submitting the certificate as any discrepancies could lead to delays in its processing. Finally, double-check all signatures including those of the issuing authority as well as yours and other important signatories mentioned in the document.

Important points to include in Certificate Formatting

When formatting your gap certificate in Hindi, make sure to include the following important points: the name of your organization/institution and address, date of issue of the certificate, name and address of the person for whom it is intended, information about any gaps such as if there were any sabbaticals or leaves taken during the period under consideration, signature/seal of issuing authority and other signatories (if applicable), reason for issuing this certificate. Additionally, also ensure that you use simple language throughout the document. This will make it easier for people who are unfamiliar with Hindi to understand its contents.

Checklist before Submitting your Gap Certificate in Hindi.

Before submitting your gap certificate in Hindi, use this checklist as a guide to make sure all important information is included.

1.     Include the name and address of the organization or institution it is issued from.

2.     Mention the date of issue of the certificate.

3.     Provide the name and address of the person for whom it is intended.

4.     Include sabbaticals or leaves taken in period under consideration (if any).

Here are some of the formats for gap certificates for students who want to pursue their further studies after a gap.

Gap certificate Format in hindi

#1 Gap certificate format 

 Gap certificate

on Stamp paper of rupees ………………

I,  ___________________________, S/o D/o _______________________, age _____________ resident of _______________village, dist- ____________________ , ___________________ hereby solemnly declare that –

1.       I have applied for admission in __________________________________ (Name of course)in _______________________ (Name of Institution) of Studies from Academic Session 2021-23 as student

2.       That I have earlier completed my ________________________ (Previous qualification) from __________________, (previous institution) in year ____________________.

3.       That between year _______to__________ I have been _____________ (reason of Gap).

4.       That I am not pursuing any other course from any other University/Institution/Board.

5.       That there was no criminal/disciplinary case pending against me.

6.       That I will follow all rules & regulations of the University and will not get involved in any act of discipline, which may be construed as that of Ragging.

7.       That will submit all documents as per the requirement of my admission, falling which University has the right to cancel my admission.

8.       That I will submit all my dues & return on regular basis as per the schedule of the University.

9.       That I have given this affidavit without any pressure and all statements given from point no. 1 to 9 are true to the best of my knowledge & belief.

Signed and declared before the Executive Magistrate, ________________ (Place) on this ________ day of ___________ _________ (Date).

Witness: –                                                                                                           Deponent


Identified by: –

                                                                                                      Solemnly affirm and declared

Before me by the above named

                                                                                          deponent who is being

identified by__________________________

                                            on this ________ day of _________________

Here is the #2 Gap Certificate Format


I, Shri/Miss………………………………………………………………. S/o, D/o …………………………, a permanent resident of ……………………………………………….., post office…………………………………………, Police Station …………………………………………, District ………………………………………………….., State ……………………………………….. solemnly affirm on oath as follows:-

1.      That I have Passed …………………………………………………………… Examination in the year of …………………………………………….

2.      That due to ………………………………………………………………. I was unable to continue my higher education after passing my ……………………………………………………………. Examination

3.      That since the gap of ……………………………………………… from …………………………………………., I Want to take admission  for the further studies

4.      That this affidavit is sworn into obtaining Gap Certificate in favour of me firm the competent authority.


I do hereby declare that the above mentioned in Pare 1 to 4 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Executed before me on the ………………………….  Day of ………………………………………

                                                                                    Executive Magistrate


  1. #3 Formate for Gap Certificate for students

BEFORE THE NOTARY, AT _______________


________________________ S/o, D/o ________________________ , aged about ________ years a permanent resident of ______________  village, PO/PS  ________________, _________________ District , Arunachal Pradesh and presently residing at ____________, Po/Ps- ________________, ______________ District, Arunachal Pradesh do hereby solemnly affirmed and declared as follows:-

1.       That I am a bonafide citizen of India.

2.       That I have passed my _____________________________ on _________________________________ thereafter there was a gap of ___________ (__________) year as ___________________________. However after a gap of around _____________________(_____________) year now I would like to start my further studies.

3.       That this affidavit is sworn in for the purpose of declaring and producing a Gap Certificate before the concerned authority/Authorities that I have passed my ___________________ on ______________, thereafter there was a gap Of___________ (___________) year.                                                                                                                                                                 

4.       That statement made in Paragraph 1 to 3 are true to the best of my knowledge, belief, and information.


Solemnly affirm and declared before me by the above named deponent who is being identified by__________________________ on this ________ day of _________________

Identified by:-

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